4GL is always looking for ways to improve our product and service to our valued customers. To this end, we have integrated Steel Manager III with ScanToPDF, the industry leader in batch scanning technology.
4GL has created a seamless interface with ScanToPDF which allows our customers to scan a variety of documents and index them automatically to the appropriate area in Steel Manager III (SM3), very quickly and easily.
Barcode on Documents
ScanToPDF utilizes the barcode on documents to identify the document and index them appropriately in Steel Manager III. In this instance, it is a Proof of Delivery but other documents could be backup documentation for Sales Orders & Quotes, POs, customer credit apps or vendor invoices by simply adding the other documents under the packing list. As soon as a second barcode is read SM3 will know to index that POD to the respective customer.

With ScanToPDF you will have an electronic copy that is easily accessible directly from SM3 rather than going to the filing cabinet to retrieve the documentation.
Customers that have installed ScanToPDF are really enjoying the functionality that is saving their staff so much time. Here is an example of how one of our customers feels about ScanToPDF.
“ScanToPDF is a real time saver as it allows us to quickly and easily scan in the key documents for each order such as completed picking lists, signed delivery notes, and credits along with any associated drawings, bills of lading, etc. If any of these documents are needed later you don’t have to go to the file cabinet and search for them – they’re right there in SM3.”
POD (Proof of Delivery) Scanning
A common use by our customers is in scanning PODs (Proof of Delivery) and having them automatically index to the associated invoice. You can then click on the POD image button to access the POD and Email it directly to your customer if they are questioning whether they received the inventory.

Here is a comment from one of our customers about how much time they are saving;
“After checking the period of time before the ScanToPDF software (with a high functioning scanner), it was taking us approximately 1 hour to scan and store about 50 POD’s. We can now scan and store the same 50 POD’s in under 2 minutes”.